viernes, 9 de enero de 2009


Hi, now I'm writing a text in English about the PlayStation 3
The PlayStation 3 is a console for playing videogames, but it also has an Internet navigator and a lot of tools.
I have the PlayStation 3 and the controller doesn't have any cable. The PlayStation 3 has a receptor and the controller send signals to the console.

The PlayStation 3 has a very similar menu to PSP one. The PlayStation 3, the PSP and more consoles are from Sony trademark, a brilliant enterprise. The PlayStation 3 has got RAM memory and a very cool graphic card.The console costs 399€, but to buy it is a great idea.
The PlayStation 3 reads Blu-ray's, DVD's, CD's and more. I have an USB PC game pad that I connect to the PlayStation 3 and now 2 people can play!

Ok I have finished, bye.

PD: La redacción está hecha en inglés por mí y corregida por un profesor de inglés

1 comentario:

CEIP NAZARIES, ARMILLA (Granada), BLOG DE 6º dijo...

Very good!!! Lolo. Me alegro mucho de que te hayas animado a escribir en inglés una redacción sobre un tema que tanto te apasiona.